

Modernbanc is a fintech company backed by Y Combinator. I worked as a software engineer for just under a year starting in August 2020 following my departure from Wutzu.

Modernbanc was the first time I’d built something big in another format than one-man-army sprints. Working solo makes you resourceful and scrappy in a way I think is hard to match in a structured environment, but it also teaches you a lot of bad habits and a propensity for moving too fast and breaking too many things.

modernbanc-office view.png

Most of my time at Modernbanc was spent rooting around for product-market fit. We went through many iterations of products - a banking-as-a-service platform, an accounting ledger, an API aggregator. It’s often said, but throwing out everything and starting over is a painful experience. A necessary one if you want to find product market fit, but painful nevertheless.

I took what I learned at Modernbanc over to Entrepreneur First where I founded my second startup.